Intellectual property infringement is a very important topic that requires immediate attention due to the repercussions it may have, both for those who carry it out and for those who own the intellectual property rights.

The concept of intellectual property includes a covers a wide range of concepcts, including patents, copyrights and trademarks, trade secrets, designs and even software. Infringing third party intellectual property rights can have serious legal consequences and it is important to understand the concept and the laws that govern it. In this article we will explore what intellectual property infringement consists of, the different types of infringement and the European laws that regulate it, how to identify the infringement, how to report it and the penalties associated with it.


Infringement of intellectual property is the unauthorised use of the intellectual property of others. It can manifest itself in various forms, such as copying, adapting or distributing work by others without their permission. This may include copying a design or logo, using the code of other people’s software, or even selling third party intellectual property. In the eyes of the law, this is considered theft and can lead to serious legal consequences.

The concept of intellectual property infringement is based on the idea that creators should be able to protect their work from theft or copying without their permission. This applies to both physical and digital creations, such as books, songs, movies, websites and software. It also applies to abstract creations, such as patents and trademarks. The law serves to guarantee creators the protection they deserve for their hard work and creativity.

However, it is important to note that the infringement of intellectual property does not necessarily have to result in theft. In some cases, the violation can be involuntary or the result of ignorance. For example, if you use a photo found online without knowing that it is copyrighted or if you use an idea of others without realising that it has been patented, you can still be responsible for intellectual property infringement.


Infringement of intellectual property can take many forms and can affect different types of intellectual property. The most common types of intellectual property infringement are:

  1. Copyright infringement: This is, the unauthorised use of other people’s creative works, such as books, films, music and art.
  2. Patent Infringement: Occurs when someone uses, produces, or sells an invention without the authorisation of the patent holder.
  3. Trademark infringement: This is the unauthorised use of the logo, slogan or name of another company.
  4. Breach of trade secret: refers to the unauthorised use or disclosure of confidential information from another company, such as formulas, processes, or customer lists.
  5. Design violation: It is the unauthorised use of another company’s design, such as the shape of a product or its packaging.
  6. Software Breach: Unauthorised use of another person’s software code.


In Europe, intellectual property infringement is governed by various laws and regulations both on a national level and EU Level.

For example EU legislation covers the following:

Additionally the EU has a has promulgating laws concerning infringements of intellectual property. An example is the on the Directive on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights.


Detecting an intellectual property violation can be difficult, as these are often subtle differences between similar works. However, there are some key signs that can help identify intellectual property infringement. For example, if you find that someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission or if you find that someone is using a trademark similar to yours.

It is also important to keep an eye on any suspicious activity on the Internet, such as websites or social media accounts using your work without your permission. This is especially true for software breaches, which can be difficult to identify without specialised tools.


If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed, you must act as soon as possible. The first step is to contact the party that violated your  rights and ask them to stop using your work. In the eventthey refuse to collaborate, you should contact a lawyer specialising in intellectual property and seek their legal advice.

In addition, it is necessary to contact the competent authorities and lodge a complaint.


Social media is a common source of intellectual property infringement. Social media platforms are often used to share copyrighted works, such as images, music and videos. They are also used to share brands, such as logos and slogans.

In addition, social media can be used to spread false information about a company or its products. This can be considered a form of trademark infringement.

To protect yourself from intellectual property infringement on social media, it is important to know the terms and conditions of the platforms. For example, Facebook and Twitter both have policies that prohibit copyright and trademark infringement. It is also important to be fully aware of the laws that govern intellectual property,  such as the European Copyright Directive.


Amazon is another popular platform where an intellectual property rights are infringed. Amazon is in fact a marketplace where you can buy and sell products and some sellers can try to sell counterfeit products or products that violate someone else’s intellectual property rights.

Amazon has put in place a strict policy against the sale of counterfeit products and has a procedure for reporting intellectual property infringements. In addition, Amazon also has a process of responding to complaints about intellectual property infringements.


Infringement of intellectual property is a serious offence and may result in both civil and criminal penalties. Civil sanctions may include pecuniary damages and other remedies. Criminal penalties can include fines and even imprisonment.

In Europe, penalties for infringements of intellectual property are described in the European Copyright and Trademark Directives listed above and in the legislation of the member states.


If you are concerned about protecting your intellectual property, there are several resources available to help you. The European Intellectual Property Office, located in Spain provides information and advice on the protection of intellectual property. Member States of the EU also have offices in their countries that provide advice.


Intellectual property infringement is a serious problem that can have serious legal consequences. It is important to understand the concept of intellectual property infringement, the different types of infringement,European laws that govern it, how to identify it, how to report it and the penalties associated with it. By understanding these concepts and taking the necessary precautions, you can protect yourself from intellectual property infringement.

IpMundi and its team of specialised lawyers can help you protect your intellectual property in the event of a breach. Our service provides a wide range of tools and solutions to monitor and protect your IP online, including trademark and patent registration and advice on copyright.  In the event of a breach, IpMundi can also help you resolve the issue through negotiation or, if necessary, through legal action. IpMundi’s goal is to ensure that your intellectual property is protected and that you can focus on your work without worries.

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